- What are Olympic spirits?To some people, it is the combatant spirit in the sports field and the idea that: "participation matters" to them is just the comfort of losers. 摘要什么是奥林匹克精神,有人仅视为运动场上的拼搏行为,而把“重在参与”贬为对失败者的安慰;
- J: Annie, do you know what is the Olympic Spirit? 奥运英语情景对话:奥林匹克精神?
- What are the colors of the five Olympic rings? 奥运五环的颜色是什么?
- What are the duties of a traffic warden? 街道停车管理员的职责是什麽?
- What are his sentiments on this issue? 他对这个问题持什么观点?
- What are the chief exports of your country? 你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?
- The city and its people are inspired by the Olympic spirit. 这个城市和它的人民被奥运精神所鼓舞着。
- What are you doing rooting around in my desk? 你在我的书桌里乱翻什麽呀?
- Jane: What are we going to use for bait? 珍妮:我们用什么当饵?
- Annie: What are the events for the Winter Olympic Games? 安妮: 冬奥会比赛项目有哪些?
- Colin, what are we going to do tonight? 科林,我们今天晚上干嘛?
- What are the benefits for Beijing to host the Olympic Games? 申办奥运能给北京带来哪些好处?
- In God's name, what are you doing? 苍天在上,你究竟在干什么?
- The Olympic spirit is known by everyone. 奥林匹克精神眾人皆知深入人心。
- What are you looking so distressed for? 什么事情使你看起来如此烦恼?
- China embraces the Olympic spirit. 中国崇尚奥林匹克精神。
- What are your preparatory measures? 你的初步措施是什么?
- We cannot deviate from the Olympic spirit. 我们不能背离奥林匹克精神。
- Conquer English with the Olympic Spirit. 用奥运精神征服英语。
- What are you getting so het up about? 你为什麽这样激动?